An Incomplete Education by Judy Jones and William Wilson

An Incomplete Education

I wish I could remember where I picked this up. Might have been Hastings, but I get rid of their stickers as soon as possible because they put them in the most inconvenient places.

Anyway, I haven’t finished the book yet, but I probably never will. It will be a nightstand/end table fixture from now on.

This is the kind of book you just pick up on occasion and read random bits and pieces here and there. It really is packed with information and the writing style is mostly fun. I really enjoy the authors’ take on subjects I’m familiar with, but unfortunately that’s not too helpful if you’re trying to get a good grasp on things that continue to elude you. I took Economics in college three times and dropped out every time. It didn’t make sense then, and even after reading that section in this book several times, it doesn’t make sense now. But if you’ve a mind to explore in more detail, there are great clues here.

I like this book and would recommend it. In most cases, it makes light, easy reading of some interesting subjects.

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